i’m rolling a custom version of it here: https://arcanum.koboldinteractive.com/
- New Furniture: Air Duct, Central Air. Generate air per air duct; increase the scaling factor of air ducts and generate a little water using water gems as fuel.
- Talking Skull has an upgrade that tells jokes and tosses you a bone every once in a while.
currently working on: necromancy rework. here are my plans:
- Talking Skull: Book of Jokes. Skull starts telling jokes occasionally and throws you a bone when it does so as you converse with it for other effects.
- Reanimator Spell: Reanimation Ritual. 60s buff that summons a Reanimated Body summon minion during combat. Spends body resource to do so. Scales health with skill, and increases summon rate with skill.
- TBD class tier spell: Bind Skeletal Mount: You gain a special mount slot that starts empty when you unlock this spell. Casting it debuffs an enemy in combat that can be made undead. Based on the type and level, grants you bonuses when you use that mount.
- By Malthanis: Telltale Heart , gives you permanent unease rate, but increases umbramancy and necromancy Have I not told you that what you mistake for madness is but over acuteness of the senses? – Zenu: “costs zero space in your house as a furniture - you know its somewhere beneath that floor”
- Collab with Malthanis: necro minion Corpse Mound stats are relatively minor, and degrade to a floor outside of active combat – every time an enemy is killed, it gets increased stats (“add a corpse to the pile”, stat increase maybe based on enemy killed?) – cap based on necro skills – concept only of course, I have zero idea how much of a bitch that could be to code – – wyx - “Think I’d have like a “rot” counter on them that slowly decreases their abilities over time, and starts them off at a % effectveness based on your reanimation skill”
Summary from the Arcanum Discord:
finally looks at code looks like here’s all the t_necroclass tagged classes: t1: reanimator t2: bonemonger t4: necromancer t5: grey necromancer t6: vile necromancer anything in particular anyone wants me to keep in mind for scope? my top of mind thoughts:
- use bodies to summon creatures
- leverage creatures you’ve beaten to summon - ie. instead of minions, they’re summons
- end-game magic that can turn monsters you fight in battle into minions when they die and bypass the limits on what monsters you can get