FES: Character Sheet v0.9.1

How to use this:

  1. Copy the contents of the post
  2. Paste it into a new post
  3. Edit it per the instructions!
  4. Include the link back to this post to help others!

Name: Character

Sheet Version: v0.9.1


Detail what your character looks like here!

This can include pronouns, behavior, backstory, experiences, and anything that is relevant that you want to share.



  • Path of Athletics (Martial)
  • Path of Expertise (Non-martial)
  • Path of Magic
  • Path of Worldwise (Knowledge)

Your path grants you advantage on challenges relevant to the path you choose.

Abilities & Aspects

Click here for character creation help text. Assign 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3 to your abilities. Recommended level 3 for Proficiency Level.

Assign HP (physical hit points) and MP (mental hit points) after choosing your path:

Path Physical hit points Mental hit points
Athletics Highest physical attribute +PL Lowest mental attribute +PL
Expertise Choice 1 Highest physical attribute +PL Lowest mental attribute +PL
Expertise Choice 2 Lowest physical attribute +PL Highest mental attribute +PL
Magic Lowest physical attribute +PL Highest mental attribute +PL
Worldwise Choice 1 Highest physical attribute +PL Lowest mental attribute +PL
Worldwise Choice 2 Lowest physical attribute +PL Highest mental attribute +PL

Choose your aspects - multiple aspects cannot use the same ability.

  1. Choose your STRENGTH of any attribute and mark it.
  2. Choose your VULNERABILITY of any other attribute, and mark it.
  3. Choose a physical attribute to be your DEFENSE in combat, and mark it.
  4. Choose a mental attribute to be your DETERMINATION, and mark it.
Power Agility Fortitude Willpower Cunning Ego
? ? ? ? ? ?
Proficiency Level (PL) Physical Health (HP) Mental Health (MP) Determination Pool
? ? ? ?
Aspect Attribute Explanation
Strength Any Advantage on any roll using this attribute.
Vulnerability Any Disadvantage on any roll using this attribute.
Defense Physical Attacks targeting this attribute do not suffer disadvantage.
Determination Mental Attacks targeting this attribute do not suffer disadvantage. You gain a pool of determination points equal to this attribute that you can choose to spend on rolls before rolling, which recovers when you suitably rest and recover.


Traits are typically single word descriptors that describe what you are to the world. Choose 3 when you start.
Traits can represent but are not limited to: species, race, job, class, profession, reputation, personality, etc.
Any dice roll relevant to a trait allows that trait to grant advantage.

Traits can be naturally acquired or changed as your character experiences their life. For balance reasons, you should stick to one trait per proficiency level, but there’s no hard limit.


A flaw is a trait that grants disadvantage.

When initially creating your character, you may gain a flaw to add an extra trait.

Flaws can be naturally acquired or changed as your character experiences their life. For balance reasons, you shouldn’t acquire more flaws than your proficiency level.

A flaw can be the same word as a trait.


Acquisitions are temporary or permanent things or effects that don’t come from who you are as a person.

Anything you have listed here means that your character has acquired them in some way due to inherent traits or experiences.

See also: FES: Acquisitions and Traumas


Traumas are temporary or permanent afflictions that are hindering your character. See previous link for more info.

Want to create a character? Follow the instructions here.

1 Like

i love this!!! i still need to finish my chara sheet for lark…

also, would you ever be willing to post a sample chara sheet, maybe with wyx?

yea i will i gotta fix the formatting then i’ll make it for wyx

Change log v0.6:

  • Will is now changed to a point pool you can add to rolls, which recovers on rest.

Changelog 0.7:

  • Moved path to earlier in the sheet.
  • Encouraged linking back to this post.
  • Changed “metaphysical” with “mental”.
  • Changed the aspect “will”, the pool of points you can spend on challenges, and renamed the related aspect to “Determination” and renamed the Will points to instead be “determination pool”
  • Added placeholder text for where you should put your path

Changelog 0.8:

  • Bumped base statline up to reflect change from 2d6 to 3d6
  • Restructured a few things & made sure it was consistent elsewhere

Changelog v0.9:

  • Metaphysical → Mental in stat table